Welcome to Glenbrook Public School’s website. It is my honour to be the Principal of this outstanding school and to be part of such a dynamic learning community.
‘Our school aims to create a happy, challenging and caring environment in which all students can realise their full potential: academically, socially, personally and physically,’ School Vision Statement. To support the School’s vision, Glenbrook Public School provides many opportunities for students to excel, across all areas of the curriculum. We provide a broad music program that include; choir and music ensemble tuition, school debating teams, state knockout sporting competitions in a variety of sports and dance groups for inclusion in local festivals.
The school grounds are welcoming and inviting, with a soccer field, netball court and fixed play equipment all within spacious grounds that allow for a variety of play and sporting opportunities.
Our experienced teachers are dedicated to the principles of having high expectations for academic performance in classrooms that are well-equipped with the latest technologies to support learning. A positive learning culture is established, whereby students are engaged in learning and value their personal attainment; quality instruction and teaching strategies are integral to the success of our students.
Glenbrook Public School houses an Opportunity Class for academically gifted students in Year 5 and Year 6. These classes assist students to learn at their level, by grouping them with other students of similar abilities and using specialised teaching methods and educational materials at the appropriate level. 76 schools across NSW have opportunity classes, and there is an application process to be selected for one of these schools.
Our Parents and Citizens Association meet once a month on the first Tuesday at 7:30pm. Our P & C are dedicated to helping our school reach its potential by assisting with various learning programs and resources for our school. Our P & C facilitate panel representatives for staffing and out of area enrolment applications. From time to time, they form part of committees for implementing Departmental Policies in our school.
I hope you enjoy looking around our website.
Karen May